YouTube, Third Most visited website in the world served more than 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) playbacks this year, as mentioned in their blog post.
YouTube said Good Bye to 2011 by releasing List of Most viewed videos and Channels in 2011. Here’s List of 10 Most Watched Videos on YouTube in 2011.
1. Rebecca Black – Friday –
2. Ultimate Dog Tease-
3. Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)-
4. Talking Twin Babies-
5. Nyan Cat [original]-
6. Look At Me Now – Chris Brown ft. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes-
7. The Creep (feat. Nicki Minaj & John Waters)-
8. Maria Aragon – Born This Way (Cover) by Lady Gaga-
9. The Force: Volkswagen Commercial-
10. Cat mom hugs baby kitten-
Which One is your Favorite Video ?
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