English is one of the most tricky languages. If you forget to put a comma somewhere in a sentence, its meaning will follow an entirely different path. Sometimes, placing a comma and not placing a comma can be a matter of life and death. If you don’t believe me, go through the posters shared below (designed by writing.com). They’ll teach you the most basic rules of using punctuations in a sentence along with some grammar rules in the most wittiest way possible. Check them out!
1. Use Comma, Save Lives.
2. Now that you know what is Tense, don’t be tensed.
3. Learn Grammar, Insult Properly.
4. Use Words, Look Smart.
5. Stay Clueless, Save Literacy.
6. Use Comma, Don’t be a Psycho.
7. See Below.
8. Avoid Typos, Stay Clean.
9. Keep Calm, Proof Read.
Recommended: How Long Would It Take To Read Entire English Wikipedia [Infographic]
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