How to Make YouTube in Infinite Craft

I’m personally pretty addicted to YouTube, as it’s a source of information and entertainment all in one place. If you’re like me and if you also happen to love and enjoy Infinite Craft, then we’ve got great news for you. You can make YouTube in Infinite Craft and that’s what we’ll be talking about in this guide. So, let’s not waste any time and learn how to make YouTube in Infinite Craft right now!

What Blocks Do You Need to Craft YouTube

In order to make YouTube in Infinite Craft, we’ll need to make two very different blocks first. These are the Internet and Geysir.

How to Make YouTube in Infinite Craft

The Internet block is a bit more complex, as it requires seven different crafting recipes to be made. Geysir on the other hand is a natural block you can make in only three steps. Let’s now get into the process of making YouTube.

How to Craft Internet in Infinite Craft

To make Internet, you’ll first need Bullet Train and Satellite. Check out the steps below that explain the entire process:

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Fire + Steam = Engine
  • Steam + Engine = Train
  • Engine + Engine = Rocket
  • Train + Rocket = Bullet Train
  • Rocket + Rocket = Satellite
  • Bullet Train + Satellite = Internet
Step by step process of making Internet in Infinite Craft

Just like we mentioned in our guide on how to make the Internet, the Internet block can produce various elements, such as Social Media, Meme, Twitter, and more.

How to Craft Geysir in Infinite Craft

Geysir is made out of basic Steam and Stone blocks. Here’s what you should do:

  • Fire + Earth = Lava
  • Water + Lava = Stone
  • Steam + Stone = Geysir
Steps to make Geysir

With the Geysir block in Infinite Craft, you’re now able to make blocks like Hot Spring, Gold, Old Spice, Big Bang, and others.

How to Craft YouTube in Infinite Craft

Step by step process that explains how to reach YouTube in Infinite Craft

Now that you have the two necessary blocks, you should combine them together and you’ll get YouTube.

  • Internet + Geysir = YouTube

Uses of YouTube in Infinite Craft

As you might assume, with YouTube on your side, you can now summon different YouTubers into Infinite Craft. Not only that, but this block can produce other physical or abstract terms, as well as professions and even Minecraft. Here are some of the recipes:

  • YouTube + Teenager = Youtuber
  • YouTube + Star = Pewdiepie
  • YouTube + Plant = Vlog
  • YouTube + Alien = Area 51
  • YouTube + Love = Subscribe

You finally know how to craft YouTube in Infinite Craft. Did you stumble here by accident? Begin with our Infinite Craft beginners guide here. So what do you think about the Internet? Let us know in the comments below!

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