How to Make Internet in Infinite Craft

We don’t need to tell you that Internet as a whole is an important part of our society. And while Infinite Craft as a game is fun, it won’t exist without it either. But did you know you can actually make internet in Infinite Craft? So if you want to pull a round of confusion on everyone, keep reading to learn just how!

What Blocks Do You Need to Craft Internet?

The fastest way to craft Internet in Infinite Craft requires you to make a super speedy block, as well as a space block. These are Bullet Train and Satellite.

How to Make Internet in Infinite Craft

Bullet Train and Satellite blocks are really not that difficult to make. We’ll start off with the Bullet Train and its five recipes, as Satellite’s crafting recipe becomes much easier afterwards.

How to Craft Bullet Train in Infinite Craft

The Bullet Train is an element you may get by combining very basic blocks such as Train and Rocket. Here are the steps you should follow:

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Fire + Steam = Engine
  • Steam + Engine = Train
  • Engine + Engine = Rocket
  • Train + Rocket = Bullet Train
Crafting recipes that result in Bullet Train

Now that you have made the Bullet Train, you’re free to explore the newly available possibilities. Some of the blocks you can craft with it are Tunnel, Bullet, Submarine, Hitman, Tokyo, and more.

How to Craft Satellite in Infinite Craft

Once you have made Bullet Train, crafting the Satellite block is very easy. This block requires two Rockets to be combined.

  • Rocket + Rocket = Satellite

Satellite in Infinite Craft can yield both obvious and not-so-obvious blocks. Some of the most interesting ones are Sun, iPad, Assassination, and more. Yes, you can even craft an iPad in Infinite Craft.

How to Craft Internet in Infinite Craft

With Satellite and Bullet Train ready to go, all that’s left to do is smash them together into the Internet.

  • Bullet Train + Satellite = Internet

Uses of Internet in Infinite Craft

Internet is a pretty modern and contemporary thing, so the game allows you to create trending terms, social media-based blocks, as well as important public figures. Among all the crafting recipes Internet is a part of, we’ve chosen the five funniest ones:

  • Internet + Flower = Social Media
  • Internet + Music = Spotify
  • Internet + Geysir = YouTube
  • Internet + Dance = TikTok
  • Internet + Rich = Bill Gates

Now that you have successfully made Internet in Infinite Craft, make sure to use the above combinations for it. Too new to the game to get it? Learn all about the game using our Infinite Craft beginners guide here.

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