How to Complete Cults Curse Bestiary in Fisch

We are one week away from the big Dreamer update in Fisch, but first, we have a new limited-time bestiary joining the game with today’s cursed event. The exclusive pool is a reward from the new quest and gives you some of the most valuable fish in the game with a solid XP bonus. In this guide, we discuss the new Cults Curse bestiary in Fisch and some tips to prepare you for the exclusive pool.

Full List of Cults Curse Bestiary in Fisch

Before you begin fishing in the new Fisch exclusive pool, you must remember that all the fish you catch during this event have a limited rarity. This means you can catch them only after unlocking the Cults Curse pool. There are no specific requirements or conditions for any of the fish here. So, get ready to lock in without distractions.

There are eight fish in the Cults Curse bestiary in Fisch. The exclusive pool works all the time without limitations. Just remember that the full chamber, including the pool, will go away after the developers remove it. So, I suggest you grab as many fish from here before a new update comes out. With that, here is the list of all Cults Curse bestiary fishes in Fisch:

Fish PreviewFish NameProgress Speed
Veilborn ParasiteVeilborn Parasite-75% Progress speed
Profane RayProfane Ray-70% Progress speed
Eldritch SpinebackEldritch Spineback-35% Progress speed
Bloodscript EelBloodscript Eel-70% Progress speed
Abyssal MawAbyssal Maw-55% Progress speed
The Whispering OneThe Whispering One-95% Progress speed
Wretched GuppyWretched Guppy+10% Progress speed
Hollow GazerHollow Gazer-15% Progress speed

Tips and Tricks to Complete Cults Curse Bestiary in Fisch

Catching fish in Cults Curse is a cakewalk as you are guaranteed only limited-time fish in this pool. But before you start fishing in this exclusive pool, I highly recommend you grab the best Fisch rods to catch all the fish. But picking the best rods, baits, enchants, or a perfect overall combination can get difficult. We have mentioned a simple set of tips and tricks below that will help you complete the Cults Curse bestiary faster in Fisch:

1. Best Rods for Cults Curse Pool

One of the best rods for this bestiary will be Rod of the Depths, as it has the chance to give you double fish after every three catches. As the exclusive pool does not give you crates, you won’t need high-luck rods. That is why the No-Life Rod can be perfect for this bestiary since any bait works fine with it.

However, the rare fishes in the pool come with high progress speed debuffs. To tackle that, I suggest you go with the Poseidon Rod. If you want to make a lot more money from these limited-time fish, you can also use the Ethereal Prism Rod in the Cults Curse Pool.

2. Best Baits for Cults Curse Pool

Luck doesn’t matter much in the exclusive curse pool, and that is why you can use any simple bait. I highly recommend Seaweed for the Cults Curse bestiary in Fisch. It increases your lure speed and resilience by a decent amount, enough for the high-end catches.

In our experience, both resilience and lure speed were equally important. So, if you want to guarantee your catches, Coral will be the best option for your rod. If you are out of money to buy the baits, visit the Fisch codes list and grab yourself some free cash.

3. Use the Best Enchants for Cults Curse Pool

Fishing in the exclusive pool is only tricky if you don’t have a good rod. In such a case, you can optimize your rod by using a good enchantment. Given the limited-time fish come with higher resilience, Resilient and Quality are my preferred picks. If you have Exalted Relics, you can try for the Mystical enchant.

As more than half of the fishes here come with a negative progress speed, you can get the Steady enchant too. I suggest you go through our best Fisch enchants list and pick your favorite one for the Cults Curse bestiary.

4. Best Rod, Bait, and Enchant Combo for Cults Curse Bestiary

Any bestiary that doesn’t include many common catches is easier to complete. That is why we will not suggest extreme combinations for this one, unlike the Lucky Event bestiary. We suggest you go with a decent luck rod such as the Volcanic Rod. You can pair it up with Resilient Enchant and Night Shrimp to get higher-end limited.

Otherwise, switch the bait and use something like Seaweed and get the other fish from the Cults Curse pool and complete the bestiary. If you are beyond 750 level, use the Rod of The Forgotten Fang and utilize the passive to guarantee more high-value fish from the pool.

So that’s how you can complete the Cults Curse bestiary in Fisch. Have you started catching them to fill your wallet? Let us know in the comments below.

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