Fisch Atlantean Storm Quest Guide

In Short
  • The Atlantean Quest is located in the Grand Reef region near the Forsaken Shores.
  • Here you need to interact with Captain Neptune in order to start the quest.
  • Finally, completing the quest will reward you with 8x Hangman's Hook, 10x Kraken Tentacles, and a Drifter's Tale Bobber.

This is the final week before the next big update in Roblox Fisch, which is based on the lost city Atlantis. This week, Fisch has come up with a new Atlantean Quest and some new baits, bobbers, and fishes for you to claim. Moreover, this is a great chance for you to level up in the game since Fisch has a 2XP boost for this weekend. Want to finish it? Keep reading to learn how to complete the Atlantean Storm Quest in Fisch right now.

How to Complete the Atlantean Quest in Fisch

Atlantean Quest Location Fisch
Image Credit: Fisch/Roblox (Screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas/ Beebom)

The Atlantean Quest is located on the Grand Reef island east of Forsaken Shores in Fisch. So, quickly spawn your boat from the nearest Shipwright and head east of Moosewood, specifically at these coordinates: -3829, 135, 575. Get a Fisch GPS if you can’t find it.

Here, you will find a pirate ship. On its deck stands Captain Neptune. Interact with him, and he will provide you with a new quest that requires you to collect all the fish in the new bestiary. This new bestiary is just beside the group of islands in the Grand Reef area. You easily identify the area by noticing the highlighted square. Given below are the fishes available in this bestiary:

FishRarityBaitWeatherTimeSeasonAvg. WeightAvg. Price
Tempest RayUncommonSeaweedWindyAnyWinter1.25156
Abyss SnapperUncommonFish HeadFoggyAnyAutumn2.75206
Vortex BarracudaUnusualMinnowClearAnySummer12450
Whirlpool MarlinUnusualSquidRainAnySpring6.5325
Typhoon TunaRareFish HeadRainAnyWinter32.5650
Cyclone MakoRareFish HeadWindyAnySpring60900
Maelstorm SharkLegendaryTruffle WormFoggyAnyAutumn3752250
Void AnglerMythicalTruffle WormClearAnySummer9503562
All Fish in Atlantean Bestiary

Consider a decent rod with good Luck and Lure Speed stats to get all the fishes easily in this area. Moreover, don’t forget to redeem the latest Fisch Codes to claim some new baits and free cash.

Fisch Atlantean Quest Rewards

Image Credit: Fisch/Roblox (Screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas/ Beebom)

Having caught all the fishes in this area, head back to Captain Neptune and talk to him again. He will reward you with the following items:

  • 8x Hangman’s Hook
  • 10x Kraken Tentacles
  • Drifter’s Tale Bobber

Hangman’s Hook is a Mythical bait with a 150 Preferred Luck, 35 Universal Luck, 20 Resilience, and -5 Lure Speed. Whereas Kraken Tentacles are legendary baits and give you 100 Preferred Luck, 35 Universal Luck, 15 Resilience, and 35 Lure Speed.

So that’s how you complete the Atlantean Quest in Roblox Fisch. What do you think about the new baits introduced in the game? Are they helpful for catching rarer fishes in the game? Let us know in the comments below.

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