How to Complete Abyssal Zenith Bestiary in Fisch

The Mariana’s Veil update in Fisch brings plenty of fish you can catch on different levels. Once you enter the deep seas to find Mariana’s Veil, the third bestiary you will find is the Abyssal Zenith. Here, you will find all the new abyssal fishes, including the ones needed to unlock the next part of the veil. In this guide, we discuss the new Abyssal Zenith bestiary in Fisch, along with some tips on how to catch these fish easily in Mariana’s Veil update.

List of Abyssal Zenith Bestiary in Fisch

Just finding the Abyssal Zenith in Fisch is already quite a heavy task. But do not worry; the bestiary consists of a total of 10 fish. However, you will need 9 fish to complete the Abyssal Zenith bestiary. The bestiary includes two legendary, one mythical, and one secret fish as well.

To get to the Abyssal Zenith area, you must complete Volcanic Vents and the Challenger’s Deep area. Once you upgrade your submarine in Fisch, you can enter the Abyssal Zenith after some hassle in the maze.

While all the Abyssal Zenith fish are located in a specific location, you must know the right weather types, seasons, and bait for them. The fish here can be caught at specific times of the day, so keep that in mind as well. Every fish comes with a different progress speed in Volcanic Vents. With that, here is the complete list of Fisch Abyssal Zenith bestiary:

Fish PreviewFish NameBaitSeasonTimeWeather
Leviathan Humpback AnglerfishLeviathan Humpback AnglerfishWormSummerAnyRain
Titanic Black SeadevilTitanic Black SeadevilBagelAnyAnyRain
Colossal SaccopharynxColossal SaccopharynxFlakesAnyAnyWindy
Abyssal Bearded SeadevilAbyssal Bearded SeadevilInsectWinterAnyAny
Radiant Triplewart SeadevilRadiant Triplewart SeadevilShrimpAutumnAnyClear
Deeplight FootballfishDeeplight FootballfishSeaweedSpringAnyClear
Infant Giant SeadevilInfant Giant Seadevil
(-55% progress)
Truffle WormAutumnAnyClear
Voidglow GhostfishVoidglow Ghostfish
(-60% progress)
Giant SeadevilGiant Seadevil
(-80% progress)
Fish HeadAutumnAnyClear
Crowned Anglerfish FischCrowned Anglerfish (Secret, -95% progress)Truffle WormAutumnNightFoggy

How to Complete Abyssal Zenith Bestiary in Fisch

You can just go with any of the best rods in Fisch, as the Abyssal Zenith location has no specific rod requirement. But, if you want to catch the mythical and secret ones, you will need better resilience rods like the Poseidon rod. While you can always revisit our best Fisch enchants list for the ideal one for this event, I personally recommend the Quality or Resilient enchants. As for baits, select the ones we have mentioned already. If you are out of baits, you can always get some from Fisch codes.

I suggest you also get a lot of bait and set your innkeeper location once you reach there. Trust me, it takes forever to reach the zenith area. You will need many different weather, time, or season conditions to catch specific fish. That is why I recommend you have some totems handy. Make sure you have enough bait when you enter the area first.

That’s how you can complete the Abyssal Zenith bestiary in Fisch. Have you started catching them? Let us know in the comments below.

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