Deadlock Adds Cool Holiday Skins; Here’s How to Get Them

After almost a year of fun and tons of updates, Valve’s MOBA shooter Deadlock has already become a favorite among fans despite being in early development. With the year ending soon, the developer announced a new Christmas visual update for Deadlock to celebrate the Holiday spirit. Although the official changelog does not explicitly mention this, players have been surprised with the first official skins in Deadlock. So, in this guide, learn how to get all the holiday skins in Deadlock.

Deadlock Holiday Cheer Skin System

The holiday skins in Deadlock are part of a cheer system. Once you play a hero in the game and complete a certain quest, the announcer will shout a cheer for you. The cheer will show a message to everyone on the team saying an enemy or ally has achieved holiday cheer. The announcer will also shout the hero’s name and the skin they are wearing.

As soon as the challenge is complete, you will see the holiday skins on the Deadlock hero right away. After the game ends, you will see a Santa hat with a red background on your hero screen. Here is an image preview for better understanding:

Deadlock holiday skins unlock icon
Image Credit: Deadlock/ Valve

How to Unlock Deadlock Holiday Skins

There are no official quest lines mentioned in the game, which can help you with unlocking these holiday skins. Do not worry, though, as we and the community have discovered most of these for your convenience.

Here, we have listed all the Deadlock holiday skin challenges that will help you unlock them. While most of these quests are confirmed, some are still not explored. We will update this section once we have confirmed all the quests.

Skin PreviewHeroQuest to Unlock
Abrams Holiday Santa skin DeadlockAbramsKill 5 enemies with a melee last hit
Bebop Deadlock holiday skinBebopReach 100 bomb stacks
Dynamo Deadlock holiday skinDynamoHit 3+ enemies at once in a Singularity
Grey Talon Christmas skinGrey TalonDeal 1000+ damage on an enemy with a single Charged Shot
Haze winter skinHazeGet a kill streak of 7 enemies
Infernus winter skinInfernusHit 3+ enemies at once with Concussive Combustion
Ivy Christmas skinIvySilence 6 enemies at once with the Air Drop bomb
Kelvin winter skinKelvinUse Frozen Shelter to capture 2 allies + 2 enemies
Lady Geist Christmas Deadlock skinLady GeistUse Soul Exchange while low health and kill the enemy (below 100 HP)
Lash Christmas Deadlock skinLashCapture 4 enemies at once with Death Slam
McGinnis Deadlock skinMcGinnisDestroy or assist in destroying 9 structures
Winter Mirage skinMirageKill an enemy by activating 8 stacks of Djinn’s Mark (manual)
Winter Mo and Krill skinMo & KrillKill or assist each enemy with Combo (Ult)
Paradox winter skin DeadlockParadoxKill 3 enemies while in the air
Pocket winter skinPocketHit 4 enemies with Affliction
Seven cookie skinSevenKill an enemy with Storm Cloud’s thunderbolt
Shiv holiday skinShivKill 3 enemies with Killing Blow
Vindicta skin DeadlockVindictaSecure 2 kills while flying
Viscous wreath skinViscousHit 3 enemies with one use of Goo Ball
Warden new skinWardenSuccessfully cage all 6 enemies throughout the match
Christmas Wraith skinWraithThrow 6 cards within 10 seconds
Yamato holiday skinYamatoKill 2 enemies with Shadow Transformation

Are Deadlock Holiday Skins Permanent?

Unfortunately, the developers have not clarified if the skins will stay until the end of the holidays like the Halloween update or they will stay in our inventory as a piece of exclusive equipment.

The game already has an equipment section for every hero. This could mean the Holiday skins in Deadlock are a collectible item. We will update this section when we have more information from the game’s development team.

Have you claimed the Deadlock Holiday skins for your favorite heroes yet in the Winter update? Do tell us which skin you like the most, in the comments below.

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