One of the most fearsome colors in the Windows world is blue. Yes, it might be the stock color for most of the things, but what it is most vividly remembered for is the infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). I can still recall those moments of rage that I used to go through when anything on my system would go wrong and I would be greeted by the unwelcoming hand of BSOD. Well, here’s a chance for you to revisit those memories. A Reddit user bobmancoast has created a screen saver for Windows that perfectly simulates the Blue Screen of Death on your system. So, if you’re someone who wishes to bring back all those BSOD memories to impress your friends, or just prank someone, read on as we show you to get the screen saver on your system:
Install Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Screen Saver
Note: I tried the following method on my PC running Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (v1709), and it worked fine.
- To begin with, you’ll have to download the BSOD Screen Saver file (free) to your system.
- Next up, extract the .ZIP file that you just download. Navigate to /bin/Release to find the BSOD.scr file inside.
- Now, depending upon your system, copy and paste this file into your system folder, that is:
For 32-bit Devices: C:\Windows\System32 For 64-bit Devices: C:\Windows\SysWOW64
- Once you’re through with that, open up the Start menu, and type “Change screen saver”, and click on the first result that pops up.
- Now, in the drop-down list of screen savers, select “Bsod”. Once done, click “Apply” to set it as your screen saver.
- And that’s it. Here’s how the screen saver looks like in action:
The above screen saver is a nifty little way to relive all the BSOD memories, without actually having to go through any corrupted data or applications. Also, as you can see in the video above, the entire screen saver lasts for over 3 minutes before repeating itself in a loop, which, quite frankly, is a lot. I installed it on my friend’s system, and boy, was he scared when he first saw it in action. Do try the above steps and let us know about your experiences with the Blue Screen of Death in the comments down below.