Zoan devil fruit is a unique type of devil fruit as it is the only type to have three different sub-types under its belt. Among them, the mythical zoan is considered to be the rarest and strongest form of Zoan devil fruits. They have always been the center of attention, so we have ranked every mythical zoan devil fruit in existence to see which is the most powerful devil fruit of all time.
Spoiler Warning: This post has spoilers about Zoan devil fruits and their powers. We suggest you watch the anime or read the manga first to avoid ruining your experience.
Only nine mythical zoan devil fruits have been officially revealed in One Piece canon so far. But, if you have read the manga, there is another mythical zoan fruit, which is artificial and developed by Vegapunk. We have included this artificial devil fruit in our list. Since the Five Elders‘ omnipotent powers aren’t confirmed to be mythical zoan devil fruits we haven’t added them to our list.
10. Uma Uma no Mi, Model: Pegasus

- English Name: Horse-Horse Fruit, Model: Pegasus
- Devil Fruit User: Stronger
The mythical zoan devil fruits are extremely rare, yet a horse consumed one to be blessed with the powers of Pegasus. Remember the doctor of the Blackbeard Pirates, Doc Q, who had a horse named Stronger who was always seen with him. Stronger was the horse that became the devil fruit user of Uma Uma no Mi, Model: Pegasus.
This allowed Stronger to transform into a Pegasus or maintain a hybrid form. During the battle between Blackbeard and Law, Stronger in his Pegasus form gave a lift to Blackbeard to drop him on the island. Stronger hasn’t got much screen time, so we have to wait a bit longer to learn more about this mythical creature inspired by Greek mythology.
9. Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Onyudo

- English Name: Human-Human Fruit, Model: Onyudo
- Devil Fruit User: Onimaru
We have another animal that consumed a mythical zoan devil fruit, and that is the late Shimotsuki Ushimaru’s companion — Onimaru. The white fox with a cloud-like tail consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Onyudo, which transformed it into an enormous monk based on the mythical Japanese yokai.
When Zoro was roaming in the lands of the Wano Country, he encountered Onimaru in the form of Onyudo. Despite its Onyudo transformation, we haven’t seen the full powers of the yokai. However, this transformation gave the fox the gift of human intelligence and speech.
The substantial size of the transformation possesses great strength. But since the Wano Country arc is over, I doubt we will ever come across the Onyudo again.
8. Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamato no Orochi

- English Name: Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Yamata-no-Orochi
- Devil Fruit User: Kurozumi Orochi
Yamata no Orochi is the eight-headed serpent/dragon from Japanese mythology. Kurozumi Orochi, one of the main villains of the Wano saga had the powers of the mythical zoan devil fruit, Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamato no Orochi. It allowed him to take the shape of the legendary eight-headed serpent/dragon.
It was given to him by his fellow clanmate Kurozumi Higurashi 41 years ago in the story. There is a popular saying among the fandom that anyone else could have made better use of the Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Yamata-no-Orochi. As Orochi never battled with this devil fruit power.
It gave him the power to cheat death as all his eight heads needed to be slashed to kill him off, which did happen by the end of the Wano arc. Now, this fruit must have been reincarnated somewhere else in the One Piece world.
7. Artificial Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu

- English Name: Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon (Artificial)
- Devil Fruit User: Momonosuke
The Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon is the second strongest mythical zoan devil fruit in existence. Dr. Vegapunk, the smartest man on this plan replicated its power by creating the artificial version of Uo Uo no Mi using Kaido’s lineage. It was funny to see the old man discard this devil fruit as a failure as he couldn’t get the color of the dragon form correct.
However, Vegapunk managed to get everything right when it came to the destructive powers of Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu. In the Wano Country arc, Momonosuke began to get the hang of this oh-so-powerful devil fruit’s powers. He was seen creating flame clouds, recreating Bolo Breath attack, and whatnot.
With enough time, the shogun of Wano would master the abilities of devil fruit. But we might have to wait a while to learn about this artificial devil fruit’s power ceiling.
6. Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi No Kitsune

- English Name: Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Nine-Tailed Fox
- Devil Fruit User: Catarina Devon
Catarina Devon, the most ruthless female pirate (yeah, more ruthless than Big Mom) ate one of the suitable devil fruits for her character. She received the frightening powers of the nine-tailed fox with the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi No Kitsune. The widely known ability of this devil fruit was the fact that she could transform into a nine-tailed fox and copy the appearance of any character just by touching them once.
Recently, in the Egghead arc, Catarina stole the appearance of St. Saturn in his devil form, and we are waiting to see when she will disguise herself as an ex-Elder. Apart from this moment, we haven’t seen Catarina’s devil fruit powers in action yet. But the Blackbeard Pirates are making big moves in the story and her powers will be revealed shortly.
5. Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami

- English Name: Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami
- Devil Fruit User: Yamato
Just like his father Kaido, Yamato also became a mythical zoan devil fruit user by eating the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami. It let him turn into the revered “Guardian Deity of Wano Country,” a Japanese gray wolf at his will. Similar to other mythical zoan fruit users, Yamato can also maintain a hybrid state or completely transform into a wolf form.
As this devil fruit is based on a deity, it came with the unique power to create ice along with the wolf’s greatest traits such as the canine fangs and claws. The ice can be utilized to coat the user’s skin or weapons to increase their durability and damage. Kaido considered this devil fruit to be a mighty one, and it was accidentally eaten by his son.
The supreme powers of the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami were displayed in Yamato’s battle against his father in the Wano arc, one of the best One Piece arcs.
4. Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu

- English Name: Human-Human Fruit, Model: Buddha
- Devil Fruit User: Sengoku
Daibutsu translates to giant Buddha statues in Japanese. As the title suggests, the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu enables the user to transform into a massive golden Buddha. Sengoku, one of the legendary Marines in One Piece was teased to be a mighty character for so long. Finally, Sengoku’s Human-Human Fruit, Model: Buddha powers were revealed at the grand Marineford stage.
The Behemoth form automatically unlocked the colossal strength and tank-level durability of this character. Moreover, Sengoku was seen unleashing powerful shockwaves that overwhelmed each and every one in the war.
In one of the log data books, it was mentioned that this mythical zoan fruit also awarded its user a brilliant mind in tandem with superhuman strength. Since we have seen only a small dose of this fruit’s powers, we aren’t ranking it higher on our list.
3. Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix

- English Name: Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix
- Devil Fruit User: Marco The Phoenix
Before Oda revealed Luffy’s true power to be a mythical zoan devil fruit, Marco’s Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix was my favorite pick when talking about the best mythical zoan fruit. If you have ever wondered where his nickname “Marco the Phoenix” came from, it originated because of his devil fruit power that transformed him into the legendary mythical creature, Phoenix.
The Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix was one of the most versatile devil fruits we’ve ever seen in One Piece. Every aspect of this devil fruit power can be put into use. Marco had exceptional strength and could fly at unreal speeds in both the hybrid and complete phoenix forms.
The blue and yellowish flames out of his wings could heal Marco and his allies near him. Marco’s powers were showcased during the Marineford War and the raid on Onigashima. But I still want to see more as it is one of my favorite fruits of all time.
2. Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu

- English Name: Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon
- Devil Fruit User: Kaido
Kaido’s Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu was widely known not just as the strongest mythical zoan devil fruit but also as the most powerful before our protagonist, Luffy’s devil fruit was revealed to belong to the mythical zoan category.
There is a reason why Kaido was crowned the strongest creature in the One Piece world, and it was because of the powers of the Azure dragon. Kaido was extremely formidable in both his hybrid and outright dragon form.
Dragons have always been overpowered in all kinds of tales, right? The same applies to Kaido as he boasted almost impregnable dragon skin, could unleash powerful fireballs, and possessed incredible strength and resilience in hybrid form as well.
With all these powers he was an absolute juggernaut and a force to be reckoned with. Don’t be fooled by how Luffy’s Gear 5 technique defeated Kaido, Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu still stands tall as the second-best mythical zoan devil fruit.
1. Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika

- English Name: Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika
- Devil Fruit User: Monkey D. Luffy
Let’s all be honest, everyone questioned the powers of Luffy’s devil fruit ever since the advent of the One Piece story. His rubbery powers were joyous to watch but when it came to power scaling, it was always ranked low. But Oda saved the best of Luffy’s powers for the right time, revealing to fans that his true devil fruit is a mythical zoan-type called the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika.
Luffy has now successfully awakened his devil fruit powers. So, the powers of the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika are only limited by Luffy’s imagination as he can do whatever he wants in his Gear 5 form.
Our hero is shining bright as a godly figure in the story and every single fan who doubted his powers now bows down to his greatness. Thus, the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika is by far the most powerful mythical zoan as well as the best devil fruit in existence right now. Moreover, we have now also seen Joy Girl in action in the manga, so be on the lookout for that in the anime when it returns from its 6-month hiatus.
Having said that, do you agree with our rankings of the best mythical zoan devil fruits? Let us know in the comments below.