During Jump Festa 2009 more than 15 years ago, One Piece author Eiichiro Oda cleared the air by revealing that there would be no romance between the crew members of our beloved Straw Hat Pirates. He further explained that One Piece is a Shonen manga, particularly intended for boys. Although the creator said there is no room for romance, this didn’t stop the One Piece fandom from shipping their favorite characters and coming up with potential couples.
There are countless fan ships other than canon ships by the One Piece community. Therefore, we have curated the fan-favorite pairings that are adored by all. So, if you are curious about the best ships, check out the most popular romantic couples.
12. Koby x Hibari

Hibari was added recently during the Koby rescue mission in the Egghead arc, one of the best arcs in One Piece. Ever since her introduction, it became clear that she was love-struck on seeing Koby. Oda even went to the lengths of creating a backstory for Koby and Hibari. Despite being in a war-torn field, Koby fulfilled Hibari’s request to get her favorite teddy bear after saving her.
Hibari started to admire Koby’s actions from that day and named her toy “Koby Senpai.” Hibari was more heartbroken than Helmeppo when Koby got captured by the Blackbeard Pirates. Even though Oda himself stated that he doesn’t understand Hibari’s feelings in SBS Volume 107, the feelings are evident from Hibari’s actions.
So, Kobybari is the new fan-favorite ship in the One Piece community, and we can’t wait to see them together in the future.
11. Chopper x Milky

In SBS Volume 47, Oda stated that Chopper’s heart isn’t moved by any human in One Piece. He further mentioned that Chopper could be smitten with a lovely reindeer. He seemed to remember that idea and introduced Milky, a reindeer mink in the Zou arc. From the moment Milky was introduced, Chopper started to behave like Sanji around beautiful women.
Milky is the first character to break Tony Tony Chopper’s platonic side and he develops an instant crush on her. Thus, fans have always shipped ChopMilk from the Zou arc and are waiting to see if the pair ends up together.
10. Sabo x Koala

We also got a lovely fan ship inside the Revolutionary Army with Sabo and Koala. Fans have noted that Sabo and Koala have a dynamic similar to Nami and Luffy in Straw Hat Pirates. Koala has always been on Sabo’s side, helping him with his guilt for not being able to save Ace at Marineford.
This duo is always seen together during Revolutionary Army missions, and we have seen Koala get extremely worried about Sabo during the events of Reverie and Lulusia. Saboala is a trending ship among One Piece fans, and it feels like a compelling pair.
9. Shanks x Makino

Shanks x Makino has always been one of the famous pairs since the Romance Dawn days. We met them both in the very first arc at the Partys Bar in Foosha Village. While Oda hasn’t developed any major romance between these characters, they are always close whenever they meet. This potential ship became even more loud when Makino had a baby during the time skip.
To this day, some fans believe that it could be Shanks’ son. There are chances that the ShanMa ship could turn out to be true in the end, but Oda is fully concentrated on laying the groundwork for the final war at the moment.
8. Sanji x Pudding

Sanji and Pudding are the only fan-shipped pair who nearly became an official romantic couple in the story. There was an arranged marriage between Vinsmoke Sanji and Charlotte Pudding during the Whole Cake Island arc. It sure was a rollercoaster of emotions as Pudding hated Sanji to the extent of killing him initially but then the tables turned.
If you have been following One Piece, you know well that Oda is a master when it comes to crafting love stories even though he strays away from it. In the end, Pudding fell head over heels for Sanji after she witnessed his pure and kind side.
Since they are both wonderful cooks, many fans still think it would be perfect if Sanji ends up with Pudding at the end of One Piece.
7. Zoro x Hiyori

If you aren’t aware, Zoro’s family tree was revealed in SBS volume 105. It was revealed to fans that Zoro is a descendant of the revered Shimotsuki family in Wano. Even Zoro wasn’t aware of his lineage, according to Oda. So, in the Wano Country arc, we know how the moments unraveled between Roronoa Zoro and Kozuki Hiyori, the daughter of Oden.
Throughout this arc, Zoro is protective of Hiyori, and in return, Hiyori also feels comfortable with him. There is a popular theory that Zoro will go on to marry Hiyori at the end of One Piece. So, he will be able to unify both the Kozuki and Shimotski families of Wano country.
Hiyori’s feelings for Zoro are crystal clear, and fans want ZoYori to happen, but there is another popular pairing for our revered swordsman.
6. Sanji x Nami

Even if you are a newcomer to the world of One Piece, you can feel Sanji’s massive crush on his crewmate Nami right from the beginning. Sanji swooning over Nami-swan throughout the story was the origin of the SaNami ship by One Piece fans.
As Oda mentioned before, there is strictly no romance between the crew and we haven’t seen Nami have any feelings for Sanji. However, fans continue shipping both these characters similar to Luffy and Boa for a long period. Thus, Sanji x Nami has always continued to be a very popular love ship among thefandom.
5. Zoro x Tashigi

Every fan is aware that Tashigi notably resembles Zoro’s late friend, Kuina. While the reason why Tashigi looks like Kuina remains a mystery, fans have found the perfect match for Zoro. Zoro and Tashigi are both sword enthusiasts and that was more than enough for the fans to start rooting for them to end up together.
We are not certain about Oda’s plans for Tashigi in the final saga of One Piece. But fans continue to believe that after everything is over in the story, Zoro marrying Tashigi will be the thematically and logically right thing. So, let’s wait and see if ZoTash becomes a reality after the crew finds the One Piece treasure.
4. Luffy x Boa Hancock

In the story, the relationship between Luffy and Boa Hancock has always been one-sided. While Luffy saw Boa as a dear friend, the Pirate Empress was already hearing wedding bells. She suffered from Lovesickness, which is common with the empresses of Kuja Pirates. Undoubtedly, Hancock is already deeply in love with our future King of the Pirates.
We all know that Luffy isn’t romantically interested in Boa, the most beautiful and popular female character in One Piece. But fans continue to overlook this fact and ship Luffy and Boa.
3. Franky x Nico Robin

Let me reiterate that Oda won’t write any romantic relationships between the Straw Hats crew, it doesn’t stop fans from shipping Franky and Robin. Unlike any other ship, most fans unanimously agree that Franky and Nico Robin are the best couple for many reasons.
Moreover, Oda has always teased fans with the interactions between Franky and Robin. One such case is the color spread of chapter 987 where Robin is touching Franky’s face with her hand. There are also other instances where they were seen wearing matching outfits, Franky sleeping on her lap in Punk Hazard, and more that support the fandom’s dream.
These two have always had similar experiences and get along with each other very well. Therefore, we can’t wait to see the Frobin ship come to fruition someday in One Piece.
2. Usopp x Kaya

Before all the other popular fan ships emerged, Usopp and Kaya were already a soon-to-be couple in One Piece. Technically, they can be considered a canonical couple as the fan love ship became a reality in One Piece Live Action series by Netflix. While Oda hasn’t fleshed out a complete romance between Usopp and Kaya yet, the live-action team went ahead with it.
In the Netflix One Piece series, Usopp went on to kiss Kaya as the crew bid farewell to her in the Syrup Village arc. Fans who have been dying to witness this moment in the manga were blessed with this scene in live-action. As a result, the UsoKaya ship is more popular than ever and has the highest chance of becoming a reality in the epilogue of One Piece.
1. Luffy x Nami

We finally have the most popular One Piece ship, which is the Luffy x Nami ship or LuNami. Since the dawn of One Piece, the protagonist Luffy has been shipped with the deuteragonist Nami, as the fans always do in a Shonen series. But let’s be clear that other than strong admiration, they haven’t had any feelings for each other in the story till now.
Nevertheless, fans are confident that Nami will become the Pirate Queen to Pirate King Luffy in the future. I don’t see Luffy indulging in romance anytime soon. However, it should be noted author Eiichiro Oda married a Nami cosplayer, and fans think this love story might be repeated in his magnum opus.
Well, that marks the end of our list of best love ships in One Piece. If you feel that we have left out any other famous ship or potential romantic couples, let us know in the comments below.
Luffy and Nami are the most shipped characters in One Piece as of now.
Nami and Boa Hancock are primarily shipped with Luffy by the fans.
Oda hasn’t included any canonical romantic ships in One Piece. But we have seen minor romance stories between Sanji and Pudding, Senor Pink and Russian, etc which are loved by the fans.