99% Tesla Model 3 Owners Will Recommend the Car to Their Friends and Family: Report


Recently, Bloomberg surveyed 5,000 Tesla Model 3 owners to get their opinions and views after owning the electric sedan. The results might not be surprising to all the Tesla fans out there including me but other car brands should be worried.

Analyzing the survey results, it has been revealed that almost 99% of Model 3 owners said they would willingly recommend the Model 3 to their friends and family. Now that’s a noteworthy customer satisfaction rate.

BMW appears to be the most affected car brand following Tesla’s entry. “I’ve owned three BMW 3 Series and was a diehard BMW fan. The Tesla blows those cars away.”, a former BMW car owner told Bloomberg.

Government subsidies influenced the purchase decision of over 88% of respondents from Norway where the government heavily taxes cars fueled by gasoline and provides subsidies for electric vehicles.

An interesting factor that led people to either make or break a Tesla deal was owner sentiments. The report mentions that Tesla’s mission to make electric cars mainstream for a good cause creates an emotional bond with the company. About 55% of the survey respondents acknowledged that their views towards Elon Musk influenced their purchase decision.

It is worth noting that people care about the owner of a company while making such a major purchase decision, which is quite strange and wonderful at the same time. I mean, this usually doesn’t happen with other automakers out there in the industry.

The report also states how Tesla manages to save money by refraining from spending a whole lot of money on flashy advertisements by celebrities or rapid social media ads. Instead, the Silicon Valley automaker relies on word-of-mouth and on its stunning product launch events.

Check out the entire Bloomberg survey here and let us know if you will invest in a Tesla electric car if it comes to your region in the comments.

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