Change is inevitable. Among all the wise things ever said, it is definitely one of the wisest.
In last two decades technology has drastically changed our lives. Some of the inventions which were new to us, a couple of decades ago doesn’t exist anymore and other are about to go off beat. Talking about the world we used to live in 20 years ago, here are 10 things which were normal at that time but not anymore.
If you are 90s kid, these things will surely make you laugh. Enjoy!
1. How many phone numbers do you remember?
2. Playing outside until it got dark.
3. Now a days, we write text messages.
4. ‘Getting off the Internet’ – This is too much to ask these days.
5. Having floppy disks.
6. Land-lines.
7. I bet you did that too.
8. Calling from a payphone.
9. Recording music over radio.
10. And last but not the least, do I need to say anything?
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