WhatsApp regularly makes changes to the list of devices it supports. It was back in December 2022 when it ended support for a few smartphones and now, here’s some update for the same after next month, a new set of Android phones won’t be able to run the popular Meta-owned messaging platform. Have a look at the details below.
These Phones Will Stop Supporting WhatsApp!
WhatsApp has revealed that after October 24, 2023, it will stop supporting smartphones running Android 4.1 or below. After the said date, it will only have support for phones with Android 5.1 and above.
The messaging platform will continue to support iPhones with iOS 12 and later and KaiOS 2.5.0 and above. This will also include JioPhone and the JioPhone 2. This has remained unchanged since December last year and is good news for those who are still with devices running iOS 12 and KaiOS 2.5.0. There are chances WhatsApp might change by the end of this year but nothing is concrete as of now.
While only a small percentage of users will be affected by the change, it would be best for those who are still using phones with Android 4.1 to finally upgrade for security and privacy reasons. If you don’t the Android version your phone is running, you can head to Settings -> About Phone to get the software details. In case your device is on WhatsApp’s hit list, do prepare yourself for the upgrade as you now have around a month.
A proper list of Android phones that will stop supporting WhatsApp isn’t known but it will probably include phones from Sony, HTC, LG, and more. Last time, it was around 49 phones! So, is your phone among the ones that won’t get to use WhatsApp after next month? Let us know in the comments section below!
I have tried to update my tablet but its refusing. This is not fair. You can’t just buy phone like you buy food, its expensive here in RSA.
But I think this is not fair but still we have other chat platforms that work more than your whatsapp
Yes,i am using samsung galaxy note3 4.4.4 andriod version.whats the solution?what of people doesn’t have enough money to get high version phones?Beside,am I to upgrade my phone to os 5 version or whatsapp?
Am using mi and l don’t have money to upgrade to new version 4.4.4 and am using WhatsApp am a student how are you going to help me please Dorv
How can I upgrade my phone
Yes. I’m using Samsung galaxy E5, 4.4.4 android version. what’s the solution? what of people who doesn’t have enough money to get high version phones?
Besides, am I to upgrade my phone to os 5 version or whatsapp?
My is oppo