The Marvels Post Credit Scene Shakes up MCU’s Future

I just watched The Marvels, and trust me when I say it, do not listen to anyone who says that this movie is not worth watching. You might not be a fan of Captain Marvel or Ms. Marvel but I’m sure that you will thoroughly enjoy this movie. It is packed with great VFX, well-done action sequences, and a pretty decent storyline. However, the movie also has certain downsides like an underused villain, certain plot holes, and some “Marvel humor,” which seemed to be pretty forced at times. However, even if you are not a fan of Captain Marvel, I’d recommend you watch this movie for the sole reason of its post-credit scene. Trust me, folks, your mind will be blown. So, let’s break down The Marvels post-credit scene and what it means for upcoming Marvel movies.

Spoiler Warning: This article contains major spoilers for The Marvels movie, so please proceed at your own risk.

How Many Post-Credit Scenes Are in the Marvels?

Before the release of The Marvels, there were speculations that it would have two post-credit scenes. However, we can now confirm that The Marvels has only one post-credit scene, which is quite the game-changer for the entirety of MCU.

Earlier, people said that the post-credit scene would give us a canon to the young Avengers by bringing back Kate Bishop who along with Kamala Khan will go out look for Cassie Lang. But trust me, what we have got here is much much bigger than that. Read on to find out.

The Marvels Post Credit Scene: The X-Men Are Here!

The Marvels Post Credit Scene Shakes up MCU’s Future
Source: YouTube/Marvel Entertainment

By the end of the movie, Monica seemingly sacrifices herself by using her powers to save the universe. However, she did not die but ended up in a completely different universe! In the post-credit scene, we get to see Monica Rambeau waking up in a hospital bed and as she turns around, She sees Maria Rambeau.

However, in this universe, she is not Captain Marvel but Binary. She refuses to recognize Monica, and we see her sporting a comic-accurate Binary costume, but that’s not the best part.

Can you guess who is Monica’s doctor here? It’s none other than the Beast himself! Yes, the big blue beast we have seen for so long in the X-Men movies. He explains to Monica that:

“All we know is that Binary found you. My theory? You somehow crossed through a tear in space-time. You are now in a reality parallel to your own. Which, of course, is impossible.”

It seems as if Monica has teleported to an alternate reality, a timeline where X-Men exist, but Beast is unable to understand how. Before he leaves both the Rambeaus, he says, “Charles asked for an update,” which enforces the fact that the X-Men are quite well-established in this reality.

How The Marvels Post Credit Scene Shapes MCU’s Future

It looks like Marvel is cooking up something big for us around X-Men considering the teases we have received in a row. We saw Professor X, in Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness, we met Namor, and we found out that Kamala Khan, or Miss Marvel, is also a mutant.

I also think that the events of The Marvels are going to be connected with the upcoming Deadpool 3 movie since we already know that the X-Men and Wolverine are going to appear in Deadpool 3. Wherever this goes now, I’m so ready to see Professor X and the X-Men in their spandex suits going into action. So Marvel, make it happen!

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