Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn Image Size Cheat Sheet 2014 (Infographic)

When it comes to social media, images are something important. When we compare them with text, images have an amazing ability to attract users even though title might not be that attractive. It’s the same reason why you get more likes when you share images rather than status updates or mere links. Nevertheless, if you want to get the maximum advantages from using images in social media, you have to be concerned about size of images you do use. Each social network, including Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn, has a recommended image size for multiple sections.

For instance, when it comes to the case of Facebook, It has kept the optimum image size of profile photo to 160*160 pixels, whereas the recommended upload size of a shared image is 1200*1200 px. Similarly, it is preferred to use size of 851*315 px while uploading your cover photo. Similarly, there are recommended image sizes for shared links, video and sponsored stories/ads.

On the other hand, Google+ is much generous when it comes to cover photo, because the recommended size of the Google+ cover photo is 2120*1192 px and 270*270 px for profile photo. Similarly, size of shared image should be 479 * 279 px, though you can upload images up to 2048*2048 px.

However, Twitter lets you upload a profile photo of an image size of 400*400 px and header image of 1500*1500 px. In addition, the best image size to use while sharing images in Twitter is 590*295 px whereas it is 483*274 px in case of videos.

Similarly, you can fill your profile page of Instagram with your stunning photographs in different resolutions. While the largest photo thumbnail size is 410*410 px, best size of profile photo is 110*110 px. On the other hand, lightbox of Instagram will show your photo in a size of 612*612 px.

The best image size to use for profile photo of Pinterest is 160*165 px, whereas board pins will seem best when their size is (222 px*scalded height). And, when it comes to LinkedIn, the professionals’ social network, you have to keep size of cover photo to 646*220 px. In case of shared link, the shown size is 100*80 px.

However, in order to help you, we have come with an infographics that shows all of preferred image sizes of images you should use in social networking websites.

Social Media Cheat Sheet 2014 thetecnica

What do you think about this infographic? Didn’t this help you set up your social media accounts and pages in such a way that all your images will grab much attention they deserve? We are eager to know your opinion!

SEE ALSO: 12 Useful Social Media Infographics You Must See

Infographic Courtesy: Link

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