Google’s Beat Blender Experiment Lets You Create Dope Tunes Using Machine Learning


The idea of World Music Day or Fête de la Musique was adopted to inspire pros and rookie musicians around the world to create more music. The day attracts many enthusiasts to unite under a common note, compose, and play music and if the artist in you has been longing for some inspiration, Google has a new way of helping you drop some sick beats.

Beat Blender is an experimental app produced by the geniuses at Google and it opens door to countless opportunities for those wanting to be music producers. It uses machine learning to create sweet-sounding loops of drum beats of different styles.

Using Beat Blender, you can not only play with well-known signature beats but have a lot of fun too. Google has created a map of beat sequences with each of the four corners representing a unique beat which can be customized based on types such as rock, break, half beat, samba etc. The map is divided in a grid of small squares, each of which represents a pattern of beats.

Using your cursor, you can point or any of the squares and with the basic beats editor (which is pretty much like any drum machine software), you can create your own patterns of beats. If you want to have some more fun, you can draw a path across the map and the pointer will follow the path, changing beats according to its position.

You also get the option of changing the frequency of beats (in BPM) and share the art created by you using a link. But it’s not just fun and can also be used for serious business and Google Beat Blender can also be used as a MIDI device which directly sends the signals to an external interface. You don’t get an option to send the signals to a DAW but considering that it’s free of cost, you can’t ask for more.

Go ahead and try your hand at creating new beats using the Google experiment and share your results below.

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