6 Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Twitter

6 Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Twitter (2013)

So you think you know everything about Twitter? I doubt and so does the results of the research conducted by Edison Research in which more than 1700 people aged 12 and above from America participated. The results have unveiled some surprising facts that most of us have never thought of.

1) Twitter is BIG

A whooping 87% of the people who participated in the research said that they know what Twitter is or at least have heard about it. While this was a cent less than that of people who have at least heard about Facebook (88%) but we can confidently say that people who know about Internet know Twitter.

[googlechart type=”p3″ data=”87,88,13″ width=”500″ height=”300″ labels=”Know Twitter|Know Facebook|Know None” colors=”FF0000|33CCCC|FFCC00|99CC00″ color1=”ffffff” color2=”C0C0C0″]

2) Although big but bad at converting

While 87% people knew about Twitter, only a small fraction of this population was actually on Twitter. A mere 7% of the people in America who know about the blue bird actually feed it. Reducing the percentages to numbers, out of 100 people interviewed, 87 people have at least heard about Twitter and just 8 out of them are actually use it. This means 8 out of 100 people in the States actually use Twitter. When it comes to the Social Media Giant – Facebook, the conversion rate is more than 40% (which means that close to half of the people who have heard about FB actually use it to connect with their friends and family).

3) But Twitter is still BIG

While only 7% of Americans actually use Twitter, the population of the birdies is more than 17 million which is roughly the combined population of Connecticut, Oregon, Kentucky, Kansas and Oklahoma [source]. Honestly, this is just a handful when compared to Facebook users but Twitter users are more loyal to the brands and companies than their FB counterparts.

4) Birdies connect with the brands

Twitter users not only follow the brands they use and consume but also interact with them freely. 42% of the people learn about the latest products through Twitter, 41% provide their opinion and 19% seek customer support and help from the brands. This means that Twitter does not only help brands but also help the users.

5) Twitter is really on the GO

There is a special bond between Twitter and Mobile phones. The simple structure and interface of the website allows users to easily use the website. As per the report 63% of the Twitter users use their mobile phones to log-in into their Twitter account. 73% of these users also use their mobile phones to send SMS regularly. This piece of data makes me believe that Twitter can be used as an effective way of marketing mobile related products and services.

6) Twitter users speak less and read more

I saved the best one for the last. As per this report, 53% of the Twitter users NEVER tweet! Though they never tweet but they are watching and reading everything you say and build an opinion on those 140 words you tweet. And hence do not consider the non-indulging followers as a waste! They are as valuable as your active followers.

[googlechart type=”p3″ data=”53,47″ width=”500″ height=”300″ labels=”I Never Tweet|I Tweet Regularly” colors=”FF0000|33CCCC|FFCC00|99CC00″ color1=”ffffff” color2=”C0C0C0″]


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Image Courtesy: jeffbullas.com

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